So we have been half following the fit for life plan and I have lost about 10lbs in the last few months. No this is not a big loss and I did gain some back before this loss.
The point is I didn't realize that they have been having only fruit smoothies every morning for almost a year. I don't get very tired in the mornings and my gas and heartburn problems only flare up when we each junk food or take out. Take out is still my number one problem but we have been slowly making a move to eating at home more. This is very hard because of my "addiction" to carbohydrates.
My diabetes has been under control for most of the year and just recently as we eat more at home my sugars have been very good in the 4-8 range.
I'm hoping that now that I'm almost done my degree I will get a great job and be able to afford a gym membership or maybe doing Ideal Protein again.
Have a great day,