So as I make my weight loss journey I will be getting help from different places and using what works for me. I will list them here!
The Current Program
So I'm trying not to think of this as a Diet/Program/Plan but more of a life style change.
As a new diabetic I need to get off the insulin and the only way I see that happening is by lowing my carb intake. We have not decided if we will be doing something like Atkins or Paleo but it will be a low-carb whole food type deal.
Low-carb - 20-100g per day
Leafy Greens and/or green juice - small green salad at every meal or a cup of green juice
High healthy fats - Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, fish oils used in cooking and salad dressings
High protein - a lot of protein to feel satisfied as I have always been a big eater, eggs for 2-3 meals and a nice roast for supper
Smaller Portions More Meals - Trying to prevent any hunger cravings while balancing my blood glucose levels
JuicePlus+ - Bridge any gap in our diet with these great whole food supplements
-Last Updated 2014-11-21
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