On August 1st 2014 I was admitted to the hospital for a long weekend...I was now full on Diabetic.
The month before I got a very bad case of bronchitis. Despite the meds given to me the coughing never really went away. Each day I felt more and more tired unable to wake up in the mornings and completely lacking energy. I also began to pee a lot and was getting very thirsty. The week before by hospital visit my taste buds seemed to die and only sweet things tasted any good to me.
My wife and I planned a camping trip to Jasper for the weekend before my hospital visit. I was so drained and lacking energy that my wife packed all the supplies herself as she had the day off and picked me off from work. I plan was for me to pack the truck the night before but I was way too tired.
My wife is amazing! Unfortunately, this trip was a bust. On our first night camping I had to get up to pee about 6 times and drank about 3 cans of pop. The next day we had pre paid tickets to go up the Whistler Mountain Sky Tram. I love doing this even more now that after my Dad passed away we spread his ashes up there. I was extremely tired and could not walk around much. The second night we had to get a cabin as I was still peeing too much and couldn't handle sleeping on the ground again.
I was so upset at one point because I couldn't hold my pee so we stopped on the side of a parking lot so I could go. I stumbled into the trees trying to undo my jeans. I was so tired that I peed all over my pants and started to cry when I got back to the truck. On our way home the next day I threw up the big breakfast and 5 ice teas I had drank on the side of the highway. Just one more thing added to make this the worst trip we have been on.
Through all this my wife still tried to make the best of things. I love her so much.
In hind sight the believe I was starting to feel tired long before the bronchitis as I was not that active that summer and not doing a lot of things outside of the house in the yard. The doctors told me that the bronchitis was the trigger for my diabetes.
I have had to make a lot of changes in my life from August till now.
Now I hope I have had a big enough scare to make a proper change in my life.
I have been on diabetic meds for the last 3 and a half months and I feel I have adapted to the new lifestyle but I want to really make a change. We are looking at making a lifestyle change NOT start a new diet.
Low carb, high protein, healthy fats, whole foods. It may come out being some sort of Atkins meets Paleo meets Juicing all brought together with a whole food based supplement called JuicePlus+.
Have a great day!