Monday, January 2, 2012

Slow Carb via 4 Hour Body has begun!

Update from last post:
Stayed mostly on program for November when I was working but weekends and some evenings were hard. We decided to take December off from all diet plans! This made for a great Christmas season and I don't regret the 18.3 lbs I gained since my last post. Well I don't regret the weight gain but I do feel sick to my stomach when I think of junk food now...maybe that's a good thing? lol

FYI: I program we were on and I lost about almost 60 lbs but gain some back over Christmas was UWeight Loss Clinics. It was very costly mainly for vitamins. The program was balanced meals about 35% protein, 35% carbs and 30% healthy fats. This method works IF your don't mind cooking and your addiction to food is not as strong as mine. I have cravings for chocolate and doughnuts all the time. The program people said my cravings would go away after a few weeks but they never hunger was satisfied most of the time but the cravings were always there.

Slow Carb Diet via 4 Hour Body

So over the Christmas season I made the decision to start the Slow Carb Diet. Everyone knows I've been reading Tim's book since about 2 weeks after starting our last program when we maxed out our credit cards.

I just estimated the cost of slow carb for me to be about $110 per week in food including $50 for eating out and junk food on cheat days. I hope to tweak this a bit to get it under $100 and maybe under $75 per week. I don't know what I'm going to feel like eating on cheat days so for now I'm trying to make sure I have it in budget. I do plan on having a slow carb breakfast on cheat days for now to help with some extra weight loss.

I do not plan on taking the PAGG stack for now. I may only try to get some cheap calcium, magnesium, and potassium supplements to help prevent cramps and head aches from rapid weight loss. I also know that not all supplements are created equal so I have issues buying the crap vitamins from the store but can't afford the 5 star vitamins I know are out there.

I'm going to keep drinking about 5 L of water per day. Does anyone know if I can keep putting lemon in my water? I know Tim says to avoid fruit at all costs except for cheat days so maybe I will avoid the lemon for now.

My first slow carb meal this morning was:
-about 2 cups of mixed frozen veggies (microwaved for 4min)
-about 1/3 large can of Lentils (microwaved for 2min)
-2 eggs and about 1/4 cup egg whites scrambled (were done before veggies)
-about 5 cups water (I drank 1 glass before taking this picture)
5-6 minutes and I was sitting ready to eat...very easy for a lazy guy like me!

First Slow Carb meal!
I was very full after eating this meal but I did try to make sure I had a lot. I will test the amounts of food I need at each meal for the next week to make adjustments.

Happy New Year Everyone!

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