Thursday, August 13, 2015

Update: Change of program

Hi everyone,

I'm starting to feel like a real serial dieter at this point.

My diabetes is doing fine but a few weeks back I was starting to feel really tired each day and in general just not feeling well. I think overconfidence was making me cut corners.

The real struggle for me is eating at home and not eating out because we hate to cook! lol We have been doing a lot better with not eating out so this has helped.

Also, we are reading a new book for an interesting way of life:

Fit for Life I think is working and this is only after 5 days.

First, I started to get more energy during the mornings and all day. This has allowed me to not be tired at work and get a lot of stuff done around the house.

Second, my stomach troubles (gas and diarrhea) have gone away.

Thirdly, I'm sleeping better. I'm sleeping almost as good as when we were juicing 100% for that week.

I can not confirm any weight loss at this point sadly because our scale does not go that high. :(

Fit for Life is all about eating based on our daily natural body cycles. So far after 5 days it's working for me!

Have a great day!